Empreton Holdings Founded
On January 15th, Empreton Holdings was founded, the same day, Christina I and the UKCL approved the transfer of Orr and Company and 50% of Grandeur Print. After that, The Creek Gazette and Creek Journal were also added under Orr and Company. On the 27th of January, Empreton Entertainment was founded directly by Empreton Holdings, making it the first holdings company in Cycoldian history
Empreton Holdings
The board of Empreton Holdings is currently chaired by Christina I, who holds 100% of the company as the owner. The company though is led by CEO Arthur Lacey-Scott, who also serves the Cycoldian Government as the Colonial and Foreign Minister, as well as being the Prime Minister of the UKCL. The COO is Amelia Banks, who is the Queen of Lytera and a member of the General Assembly. The CVO is Vincent Ironside, who is the Prince of Ironside and as well a member of the General Assembly. We reached out to Mr. Ironside about projects planned in the future by Empreton Holdings and specifically about the new division of Empreton Holdings that is Empreton Entertainment, who said "I am of the most definite assurance that this new area of our company shall bring some of the greatest successes to not just Empreton Holdings, but all the people of the Grand Republic." Empreton Entertainment's logo is pictured below as their upcoming plans for the company. It is said to be planned as a news company to report specifically on entertainment in the micronational community, such as micronational TV, films, and games.