Burmese Government Removed, Military Takes Over

Burmese Government Removed, Military Takes Over

The Government of Burma, officially known as the Republic of the Union of Myanmar, was violently removed today in a military coup by State Leader Min Aung Hlaing, during which State Counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi was arrested with a charge currently unknown. According to the BBC the military says it will be retaining power in the nation for the duration of a year. The San Benito Times did an interview with a Burmese citizen today as well concerning this. According to the citizen of Myanmar "[The military government] cut our phone lines, internet and communication with the outside world. They also threatened to shoot protestors, and have arrested all the government heads." At the end of the interview the person speaking makes one last powerful message to all readers of the interview. "We know, rohingyan issues [make you] reluct[ant to give] your help towards us, but this was a coup plain and simple. Our government won in an overwhelming majority, with the junta shouting “fraud”, hiring people to fake protests and pretending there was a fraud where there was none, as the choices to vote were [either] an incredibly corrupt military dictatorship with constant human rights violation [or] a trying, new government headed by a beloved daughter of the beloved liberator of Burma. We need the world’s help. Please. " 

The full interview can be found at the San Benito Times.

COVID-19 Report

In other news the Her Imperial Majesty's Ministry of Health has announced that it will be doing a report to assess the current status of Cycoldia regarding the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic's effect. The Ministry has as well said they hope to be doing it in a partnership with a company (currently unnamed) and hopes that they will be able to release accurate assessments about SARS-CoV-2 to both Her Imperial Majesty and the General Assembly