Eleventh General Assembly Archive
Motion #110 - Passed
Motioned by HIM The Summi Imperatoria
Motion to confirm the nomination of Arthur Lacey-Scott as Prime Minister of Cycoldia, as nominated by the Speaker of the General Assembly.
For - 4
Against - 0
Abstain - 3
Motion #111 - Failed
Sovereign Fund Bill - Motioned by HE the Viscount Brookhaven
Motion to confirm the Sovereign Fund Bill, a bill to create a Sovereign Fund to invest in financial assets that could possibly be used for the better of Cycoldia.
For - 1
Against - 5
Abstain - 1
Motion #112 - Passed
Protection of Human Rights Act - Motioned by HIM The Summi Imperatoria
Motion to confirm the Protection of Human Rights Act, an act to no longer enforce laws from the State of Texas or United States of America regarding several human rights.
For - 5
Against - 0
Abstain - 2
Motion #113 - Passed
Order #007-GA - Motioned by Moradin Fenri*
Motion to award Arthur Lacey-Scott the Prasatik Assembly Medal.
For - 6
Against - 0
Abstain - 0
Motion #114 - Passed
Order #008-GA - Motioned by HIM The Summi Imperatoria
Motion to ratify the Treaty of Persenburg, Protocol of Goetha, Convention of Mauritsstad, and the Treaty of Santiago.
For - 6
Against - 0
Abstain - 0
Motion #115 - Passed
Template Act of 2023 - Motioned by Arthur Lacey-Scott
An Act to create a template for the General Assembly
For - 6
Against - 0
Abstain - 0
Motion #116 - Passed
Premiership Globalisation Act of 2023 - Motioned by HIM The Summi Imperatoria
An Act to Decentralise the Premiership of Cycoldia.
For - 6
Against - 0
Abstain - 0
Motion #117 - Passed
Premiership Terms Act of 2023 - Motioned by HIM The Summi Imperatoria
An Act to repair the terms of the Prime Minister of Cycoldia to allow for further terms in office and to increase the democratic nature of the Premiership.
For - 6
Against - 0
Abstain - 0
Motion #118 - Proceeded to 12th General Assembly
Proposed Constitution of the Grand Republic of Cycoldia - Motioned by the Council of the Constitution
A motion to adopt the Proposed Constitution of Cycoldia as Passed by the Council of the Constitution.
For - 2
Against - 0
Abstain - 0
Motion #119 - Passed
Order #009-GA- Motioned by HIM The Summi Imperatoria
A motion to prolong elections of the General Assembly for March 2023 to extend to April second.
For - 6
Against - 0
Abstain - 0
* - Moradin Fenri is stylised as the Earl of Winwood on former GA Orders and bills. He was later stripped of the title by Privy Council Order No. 4.
** - Arthur Lacey-Scott is stylised as the Duke of Glenbook on former GA Orders and bills. He was later stripped of the title by Her Imperial Majesty.