Fourteenth General Assembly Archive

Imperium Joint Command Act of 2024 - Motioned by HH The Earl Brookhaven
An act to establish a joint command between the armed forces of the Imperium.

For - 0
Against - 5
Abstain - 1

Amendment to GA-Motion #145 - Motioned by HIM The Summi Imperatoria
A motion to amend GA-Motion #145 to make the position of Chief Marshal linked directly to the position of Chair of the Joint Command rather than making the position elected between Imperium member military leadership.

For - 5
Against - 4
Abstain - 1

GA-Motion #146 - Motioned by HIM The Summi Imperatoria
A motion to endorse Joeseph Biden's Presidential Campaign in the United States and to denounce Donald Trump as well as prepare government facilities for the results of the 2024 United States Presidential Election.

For - 5
Against - 1
Abstain - 2

GA-Motion #147 - Motioned by HIM The Summi Imperatoria
A motion to hold a referendum regarding membership in the Organisation of Free and Democratic Micronations and our standing membership in the Euro-Atlantic Cooperation Organisation.

For - 6
Against - 0
Abstain - 0

GA-Motion #148 - Motioned by HIM The Summi Imperatoria
A motion to instate a Caretaker Prime Minister from Maximilian Grieg and to alter election seat totals.

For - 6
Against - 1
Abstain - 0

Motion to Recognise the Prime Minister's Resignation & Trigger a Special Election - Motioned by Hon. Nicholas Lokin
An act to declare for a Special Election to occur in accordance with the Special Election Act of 2022 regarding the Denary Seat, presently held by the Honourable Maximillian Greig.

For - 0
Against - 0
Abstain - 0

GA-Motion #150 - Motioned by HH The Earl Brookhaven
A motion to recognise the Armenian Genocide and recognise Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day.

For - 7
Against - 0
Abstain - 0

Parliamentary Communication Act of 2024 - Motioned by HIM The Summi Imperatoria
An Act to clarify and protect the transparency of the General Assembly and to provide for legal avenues by which the populous may be fairly represented by their legislators.

For - 5
Against - 2
Abstain - 1

Business Regulations Act of 2024 - Motioned by HH The Earl Brookhaven
An Act to protect the right of workers to Unionise and protect the rights of said Unions.

For - 6
Against - 0
Abstain - 0

¹ - This motion was withdrawn by order of the Speaker of the General Assembly, rather than being withdrawn by the author of the motion.
² - This motion was voted on following the change in seating in which Amelia Banks assumed the Denary Seat, and Maximilian Greig assumed the Ministerial Seat, despite this motion being above M148 in order of motion number.