Twelfth General Assembly Archive
Motion #118 - Passed
Proposed Constitution of the Grand Republic of Cycoldia - Motioned by the Council of the Constitution
A motion to adopt the Proposed Constitution of Cycoldia as Passed by the Council of the Constitution.
For - 7
Against - 0
Abstain - 0
Motion #119 was proposed and passed in the 11th General Assembly, for more information see the 11th General Assembly's Archive.
Motion #120 - Passed
Affairs Transparency Act - Motioned by HIM The Summi Imperatoria
An Act to make members of the General Assembly more transparent with their ties to corporations or foreign governments.
For - 6
Against - 0
Abstain - 0
Motion #121 - Recused
Motion #121 - Motioned by HIM The Summi Imperatoria
A motion to ratify the Wrtyhe Convention.
For - 0
Against - 2
Abstain - 2
Motion #122 - Passed
Order #010-GA - Motioned by HIM The Summi Imperatoria
A motion to ratify the Edgbaston Convention.
For - 5
Against - 0
Abstain - 0
Motion #123 - Passed
Business Licensing Act - Motioned by HE The Viscount Brookhaven
An Act to create licensing of corporate and public businesses in the Grand Republic of Cycoldia.
For - 5
Against - 2
Abstain - 0
Motion #124 - Passed
Order #011-GA - Motioned by HIM The Summi Imperatoria
A motion to confirm HE Kevon Burnett as the Prime Minister.
For - 7
Against - 0
Abstain - 0
Motion #125 - Passed
Staff Reform Act - Motioned by HIM The Summi Imperatoria
An Act to replace the deprecated office of Chief of Staff in lieu of the to be created office of Lord High Clerk of the Cabinet.
For - 5
Against - 0
Abstain - 0
Motion #126 - Recused
Tax Cut Bill - Motioned by HE The Viscount Brookhaven
An Act to lift the burden of high taxes off citizens in order to find gain income through other means.
For - 4
Against - 3
Abstain - 0
Motion #127 - Passed
Special Election Act - Motioned by HIM The Summi Imperatoria
An Act to permit for special elections to proceed in the cases of vacancies in the General Assembly.
For - 5
Against - 1
Abstain - 0
Motion #128 - Passed
Order #012-GA - Motioned by HIM The Summi Imperatoria
Motion to amend the Assembly Shortening Act of 2021 within ASA§1 (2.7) to alter it from "The 7th Seat of the General Assembly is to be named the Humint Seat as it is to be the seat of the Chief of the CSDF." to instead read "The 7th Seat of the General Assembly is to be named the Septenary Seat as it is to be the 7th seat of the General Assembly."
For - 6
Against - 0
Abstain - 0
Motion #129 - Passed
Motion #129 - Motioned by HE The Viscount Brookhaven
Motion to Amend the Business Licensing Act of 2023.
For - 5
Against - 0
Abstain - 0
Motion #130 - Passed
Attorney Licensing Act of 2023 - Motioned by HE The Viscount Brookhaven
An Act to create Attorney Licensing in the Grand Republic of Cycoldia.
For - 6
Against - 0
Abstain - 0
Motion #131 - Proceeded to 13th General Assembly
Motion of No Confidence (Burnett), 2023 - Motioned by HIM The Summi Imperatoria
Declaring, under the Premiership Terms Act of 2023 §1 (1.3-1.2) that the position of Prime Minister of Cycoldia be vacated by HE Kevon Burnett.
For - 3
Against - 2
Abstain - 2
Motion #132 - Proceeded to 13th General Assembly
British Customary Act of 2023 - Motioned by HIM The Summi Imperatoria
Nullifying the American Enforcement Foundation Act within any territories not claimed by the United States of America and substituting laws.
For - 5
Against - 0
Abstain - 0
Motion #133 - Passed
Voting Methods Act of 2023 - Motioned by HIM The Summi Imperatoria
Certifying the manner of which Cycoldian elections for the General Assembly are to be held under the Condorcet Method of Instant Runoff Voting.
For - 5
Against - 0
Abstain - 0